Research suggests that there are several different protocols that can be effective in lowering inflammation and speeding up the recovery of an injury.
In some cases, ice and/or heat are not sufficient. If an injury has become infected or it’s extremely painful, you might need to go to the doctor or get some over-the-counter medications.
Assuming you have a 'standard' ache or pain, the question remains ‘do I use ice or heat?’
Let’s answer this question and more so that you will know exactly what to do next time you hurt yourself.
For Acute Injuries
If you have an acute injury (one that has occurred very quickly and is under six weeks old), you should avoid using heat on the area. This is especially important within the first few days of the injury.
Applying a heat pack may make the area even more inflamed and sore than it already is. It could even worsen the injury. However, in some cases, alternating between ice and heat might be more beneficial for your specific injury. This is something that your healthcare professional will be able to discuss with you.
So, if you have an acute injury, the best thing to do is grab an ice pack or a frozen bag of peas and gently press it against the injured area (ensuring that you protect the skin from ice burn by using a tea towel or similar). The ice-cold temperature will cause the blood vessels in the area to constrict, which reduces inflammation and bruising.
Although applying ice might feel slightly painful or unenjoyable, it’s the better option to help an acute injury heal as quickly as possible!
For Chronic Injuries
For injuries that you have had for more than six weeks, it becomes chronic. At this stage, you can use heat.
Using heat will help to increase blood flow into the area and reduce tenderness. The heat will help your muscles to relax, which reduces tension in the muscles and joints. In turn this can increase joint mobility and make it easier for you to continue moving around as much as possible, further improving the rate of healing.
What Else Can You Do For Injuries?
Alongside using ice and heat packs, you may be prescribed a gentle exercise program or a series of stretches to do each day. Regular movement can help to improve blood circulation to the area and this can promote a faster recovery.
If you’re experiencing pain, give us a call on 01628 474805. We can help you identify the culprit and start a treatment plan that will get you back on track ASAP!