What happens in the first appointment?

We start with a comprehensive case history during which we discuss your symptoms including when they started, what makes them worse etc.  You will also be asked for medical details such as medications and previous surgery. 

This is followed by a standing examination where you will be asked to perform a few simple movements if possible.  You will then lie on the treatment table for any further examination and, with your consent, treatment can begin. 

Treatment includes a combination of deep tissue massage techniques and stretching, moving and manipulating the muscles and joints which generally feels very pleasant and relaxing. 

At the end of the session (which lasts about 1 hour) we will summarize what has been found and what has been done to help.  We will also discuss the plan going forwards with respect to the number and frequecy of any recommended follow up sessions.  You will normally be set some ‘homework’ such as stretches and postural advice.  

Where should I park?

When visiting Hands on Health (278 Marlow Bottom, SL7 3PT) please park in the driveway infront of the consullting rooms. If you would prefer not to reverse out of the drive you can park on the road immediately in front of the house. 

Do I need to bring or wear anything special for my appointment? Will I need to undress?

You do not need to prepare for the appointment.  Most patients are treated in their underwear but if you prefer to wear a vest or a pair of shorts, for example, that is fine.  Light weight shorts often work well when we are treating you knee or hip. Sometimes it can be tricky to work on the upper back or neck if you are wearing a racer back Sports Bra so please avoid that where possible. If treatment is for your neck you may not need to remove clothing from the waist down, and if we are looking at your knee you may not need to remove your top half.

Will the treatment be painful?

On the whole treatment is very pleasant – so much so that occasionally people fall asleep! When we work on particularly problematic ‘knots’ of muscle there may be some discomfort, but a lot of people like the sensation because it reassures them that we have found the problem and the manipulation feels really effective. We can make the treatment more gentle if necessary.

Are you going to click my back/neck?

Osteopaths sometimes perform manipulations of joints that make them click. If done on the correct joints in the correct way this can bring instant relief and make joints move more freely. We use these manipulations very selectively and are happy to avoid them all together if you prefer.

How will I feel afterwards?

At the end of an appointment most people feel an instant benefit from the treatment they have just received.  Occasionally there is some soreness in the muscles and joints that have been manipulated but this can be a normal part of the healing process and rarely lasts more than 24 hours.

Do you have any unanswered questions? Ask us anything – there is no such thing as a silly question!

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Hands on Health @ 278

278 Marlow Bottom,
Marlow, Bucks

01628 474805


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